Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 Christmas letter

We want to send a Merry Christmas to all and our wish for God's blessings in the New Year. Here's a quick update on our family in 2008...

Ron finished his first year (and begand a second) teaching Greek, Hebrew and New Testament. He's working hard and enjoying the challenge. He has recently finished pg. 150 of the 300 pages he needs to write for his dissertation (which he needs to complete his PhD, a requirement to keep his job). He has a few revisions to do yet, so it's a long process. Favorite moment: Learning to love children's literature by reading chapter books to the kids every night. Goal: finish the dissertation by 2010.

Lisa is homeschooling 3 this year with a toddler in tow. It's hectic sometimes, but working well for us. She has a weekly Bible Study and monthly Craft Night at church to keep her sane. She and Jonah traveled to MN this summer to help with her parent's house remodeling project. We think we may have started a tradition called the "one kid trip". We also finished a chicken coop (with Dad R's help) and stocked it with 10 laying hens. Favorite moments: watching old movies with her hubby and speed walking with friends. Goals: Keep getting better at this homeschool/mom thing, exercise more and take another "one kid trip".

Jonah, 10, started 5th grade this fall. He loves to read, trap and hike but still enjoys a good wrestle or spy game with his siblings. He is a loving caregiver to our cat, Butterscotch. Favorite moments: library trips and opening Christmas presents Goal: going camping this summer.

Isaiah,8, is in 2nd grade and becoming an active reader. He's still a lego fanatic and good friend to anyone who needs one. Favorite moments: our trips to the library every other week and watching movies on Friday nights with his brothers and sister. Goal: to finish basketball well this winter.

Ella,5, started kindergarten and quickly began putting sounds together to make words. Favorite moment: family movie night on Fridays. Goal: more play time with our six year old neighbor, Grace.

Aaron,2, is full blooded toddler boy. He loves jumping on furniture, climbing on counters and occasionally throwing things in the toilet. He also has a delightful laugh and loves his blankie and thumb. Favorite song: "Hap-Birday-to-you". Goal: Independence!

With love from our family to you and yours,

Lisa, Ron and kids.


Hedstrom family said...

HI Lisa,
Loved your Christmas update. I have to add that my kids also enjoyed "Naya Nuki" and that I have that peacemaking book....I think I'll take it back out. You quoted an excellent section...lots of good stuff to think about! Thanks for sharing! take care, Mary and the rest

rr adventurer said...

Hi Lisa...

It's wonderful to hear how things are going with you. I will pray for Ron. (If my memory serves me right, my Master's thesis was 150 pages, and the revisions took forever!

Your Christmas update has given me an idea of a new way to write ours next time!

I think I'll have to let Walt send Isaiah a letter with picture of his latest Lego creations, and let the boys "catch up" -- I miss having you as neighbors!