Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We have had an amazing number of frogs in our window wells. From the basement windows, it looks like a terrarium out there. The kids have collected a few times (they'll die down there if we don't pull them out). This particular morning we had at least 25 frogs in all shapes and color patterns. Today they came in with a tree frog that clung to Isaiah's finger. It's just been the year of "frogapalooza".

1 comment:

Becky said...

Love the frogs and LOVE the new family photo on the blog. The kids look amazingly BIG when they're all sitting next to each other like that. I haven't forgotten about calling you! Chad's been busier than usual and that affects my walk time, and talk time ;). I'll try to get to it soon!!! Before my time is taken over by another small tiny being. Hope you all are well!!