Friday, January 29, 2010

Science Fair 2010

Yesterday was an amazing day. We have spent the last month preparing for the science fair. Here are the projects that the kids entered....

Jonah made an electrostatic charge detector and used it to solve the problem of static electricity shocking us when we pet and play with our cats. He found that increasing humidity or using hand lotion helps alot to decrease shock. He won first place in his age category!

Isaiah did a series of plant experiments on corn and bean plants. He learned a ton about plant growth and why plants are green. He did a great job on his presentation.

Ella's Egg Experiment involved pickling an egg, learning how an egg is laid and how to tell the difference between a raw egg and hard boiled egg. She must have charmed the judge because she also one first place.

We came home to two messages on the answering machine from Ron telling us that he had passed the toughest part of his dissertation process. We have been praying for him and encouraging him since last spring and were ecstatic to receive this news. Here's the kids reaction...


Tami said...

Ohh, the science fair stories gave me the chills! Congrats to the whole family on projects well done!

It sounds like a celebration is due for all of the hard work this family has accomplished lately!

Kathy said...

Wow, how wonderful. Aaron isn't sure what's going on but it must be great!!
Love from Minnesota

Kristin said...

How exciting for everyone! Congratulations!

Dan said...

Great accomplishments for everyone from the 3 year old to the 29 year old, (Ron is 29, right?). We share in your joy! Aunt Connie (and Uncle Dan)