Sunday, September 27, 2009

I blinked...

It happened again. I blinked and they grew up just a little bit more. Aaron is potty trained, Ella can ride her bike. Isaiah is reading 700 page chapter books and Jonah is attending youth group and acolyting. A month ago, none of this was happening. But, I blinked and everything changed. Sigh. This Mommy is feeling just a little sad this morning--in a contented kind of way.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Potty training

Aaron is potty trained. I have always been a big fan of early potty training. Less power struggle, Fewer diapers to buy- or wash, It takes a week and pays off for a year. This time around, I didn't have a week to give and it was easier for all of us to let Aaron remain in diapers. (He'll be 3 in November) We talked about it alot though and praised him for efforts. On Sunday, he used the potty all day (while in pull ups). On Monday, he did the same thing and even got his first "poo poo" in the potty. By Tuesday he was fully in underpants (except for night time). Here's his expression at Monday's poo poo success. Priceless.

Monday, September 21, 2009


We've been blessed lately. Corn, grapes and tomatoes all came our way from folks who had more than they could use and didn't want it to go to waste. So, on Saturday we froze corn, on Thursday we canned grape jelly and on Saturday we canned salsa. Here's a photo of the kids shucking 12 dozen ears of corn. We did have a garden this year, but it wasn't very successful. In all, we've harvested three zucchini, three tomatoes and some tiny onions. We did discover a lively patch of poison ivy though. Poor Ella is still on the mend from that. :(


We also painted the big shed, so it wouldn't feel left out.


Here's the same shed last week.

Here's the before picture of one of our sheds- which Ron reshingled with the help of a friend last summer.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Starting to look like a house

We have siding and it's actually starting to look like a house out there. We're slowly working on the dirt piles filling in around the sides.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First day of school

Ella starts first grade this year. She's reading "I Can Read It" books and Dr. Seuss. Doing handwriting and spelling with Sonlight and listening in to everything I read to her brothers.

Isaiah starts third grade. He is reading short chapter books and getting into World History with Story of The World. He's doing Language Arts with Sonlight as well.

Jonah (gasp) starts sixth grade. He's finishing up American history and will start World history this winter. At the moment he is inhaling books on Astronomy thanks to a recent field trip to an observatory.
All are doing Singapore Math, the boys have just started Latin, all are doing piano (though some are less excited about it than others.)
I didn't think I was quite ready to start, but honestly boredom leads to trouble in this house and it was TIME.

Sorry, no house pictures. But, the siding is on and the electric is half roughed in...we have ten outlets in the dining room. Dad will be proud. :)