Of course, that's assuming that I am not overdue- as is the norm here. I'm at that stage of asking the question..."So who can tie my tennis shoes for me?" Thankfully, I have lots of willing helpers! Ron snatched this shot of me before we headed out to Concordia's Christmas concert. It was a lovely evening!
We are getting ready for baby. After 10 days vacation, we came home to trim and doors installed in the new room in the basement and a message from the carpeting store saying they can install this coming week. Ron is busy tonight painting trim so we'll be ready when they come. I am so looking forward to getting the baby's room together, it will be a huge relief to know he has as place. And a huge relief to the older boys to have space. I should really post a pic of their current little bedroom. Think hoarders (without the dead stuff.) :)
1 comment:
Oh Lisa, so beautiful!!! You are radiant friend. I cannot believe only 26 days to go! Wow. We'll be continuing our prayers for you.
Our oldest two moved downstairs after Micah came home and I'll admit to only you that I wasn't ready. I am reading "Raising Real Men" by the authors with the last name Young...it has helped me to be less of a *mother hen.*
I'll miss seeing the big blue balloon outside of the apartments with this baby!!
Love to you and the Lord's peace as you prepare for this next little blessing.
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