Saturday, May 29, 2010

We're done with school, Yeah, Yeah!

That's our happy dance this weekend... We're done with school, yeah! Yeah! We're done with school Yeah! Yeah!

It was a great end of the year.

Monday: Grandma M was here and had some home time with the kids before leaving mid morning. We hit the books for a couple of hours. Jonah left for his last track and field meet.

Tues: Ron stayed with E and A, I took Jonah and Isaiah to the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit at the Public Museum. It was awesome mainly because it started with artifacts from the Greek period, including a mosaic of Alexander the Great, then went on to the Romans with actual coins from the first century and more pottery, including copper tools from Pompeii. Then we entered the display of Jewish and Early Christian people, again of the first and second centuries. I don't know that I've every seen artifacts that are so old. We've covered ancient history this year, so the boys were able to truly appreciate most of what they saw. Those periods of history have truly captured our imaginations this year so seeing the artifacts in person was so inspiring. Sorry, no pictures. Cameras were not allowed.

Weds: Homeschool track and field day. We all went (Daddy too) and participated with 300 other homeschoolers.

Thurs: Finished book work with E and I, J divided up the reading he had left and did about 30 pages, saving the last 30 for Friday. Then went to the track and field picnic for Jonah's team. The team played games and had fun, the other kids and I played in the sun on the park play equipment. I got my first minor sunburn of the year. :)

Fri: E and I had a dentist appt. J stayed home to finish his reading. We ended the day with movies and brownies and ice cream on my fancy plates.

Ahhh, it's a great deal of work, but so, so rewarding. To God be the Glory for another year!!

I'll try to post some pics soon!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Don't sit on the Chicken!

Sometimes you hear yourself saying things as a parent and have to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Aaron LOVES our chickens. He would be out in the chicken yard every morning and all afternoon if I let him. He tosses food and bread crusts for them, follows them around, and loves to catch one and hold it for awhile. So, I wonder what was in his 3 year old mind when I looked out the window and saw him sitting on a chicken. Feet straight out in front of him, sitting calm as can be. So now, when he heads out the back door, we have this conversation.
me: "Aaron, are you going to nice to the chickens?"
Aaron: "Yes."
me: "Aaron, are you going to feed the chickens?"
Aaron: Yes."
me: "Aaron, will you promise me that you won't sit on the chickens?"
Aaron: "Yes Mom, I promise."

Needless to say, our egg counts have been decreasing this week. But Aaron is having a great time!