Thursday, April 23, 2009

beans, noses, toilets, socks and microwaves...Oh my!

No pictures to share this time, though you'll understand why when you read this. This will be my word picture of life in a busy family. I hope you'll find it as humorous as we did!

It started on Tuesday when Aaron found the bag of beans on the counter that his older brothers have as a part of their science kit. They had planned to sprout them in a plastic cup and add them to the garden next month. Jonah wanted to protect the beans, so picked them up and put them away. I thought I'd appease Aaron by giving him his own container of beans and keep him in his high chair while I cleaned up the breakfast dishes. It was a great idea until I looked over and saw him squishing up his nose and making a funny sound when he breathed. Yep, he'd stuffed a dry navy bean up his nose. This is a first for me. So seasoned Mom or not, I called the doctor's office and asked to talk to a nurse preparing myself to hurry all the kids into the car and head for the clinic. But, no, the nurse assured me that these things almost always come out on their own and suggested I press on the clear nostril and encourage him to blow. So, I set him on his changing table, looked him in the eye and showed him how to blow out his nose over and over and over... and sure enough, that bean did fall out. Whew, it was 8:45 AM and I'd already avoided a catastrophe.

Later that afternoon, I decided to make cookies because the weather outside was crummy, again and the kids were done early with school. I almost never make cookies- and now I remember why. We were still baking when Aaron woke up. He's fanatic about a good cookie and wouldn't leave the stove alone. I worried he'd burn himself, so we put it all away until later in the evening. After supper (Ron was working late) I tried again, but Aaron was still all over us at the stove, so I put him in the tub with Ella and asked one of the boys to take over the coookie baking. Boy (who shall remain nameless) was doing a great job with the cookies, until I came in to check and heard the microwave running with nothing in it. (He thought he was using it as a timer) We now own a dead microwave- the second one in two years.

Then Wednesday, while I'm making supper, I hear Aaron flushing the toilet in the bathroom and my mother alarm goes off (The doors to the bathrooms are babyproofed, unless a sibling leaves one open of course) So, I run in and there he holding one of his socks over the toilet. The other one was nowhere to be found....

This is what we in our household like to call.. The price of doin' business. :) (Thankfully the permanent damage was only to the microwave. Not Aaron or the sewer system!)
Have a great weekend y'all.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ballet recital

Ella had her second ballet recital last week. Mom and Dad came to see it. She was so excited about the whole event, she woke up in the middle of the night after the recital and told Grandma "Thank you so much for saying I did a good job" (grandma was having a sleep over with Ella). And here's a little video of their performance.