Saturday, February 12, 2011

Seven in Wisconsin

This will be my last posting. I started this blog to post pictures for family and friends, but have found that facebook is more convenient for that. I also wanted my kids to have another opportunity for composition, but have found they prefer to practice their writing in private or emailing friends... I would too. I did want to share Nathan's birth story though, as I've so enjoyed reading my friends' blogs and their journeys through pregnancy, adoption and embryo adoption.

Every pregnancy and every delivery is different. Nathan's was no exception. This pregnancy was the hardest of the five... perhaps because of my age or the responsibilities at home, perhaps because of the symptoms and events. I had skin cancer removed from my forehead during this pregnancy and carpel tunnel syndrome that made sleeping a challenge for the last few months. All of this lead to some very serious doubts about how able I am to carry another pregnancy and care for another newborn. I had many discussions with God about this, asking him to replace my worries with joy and holding on to the hope that those thoughts would all disappear the moment this baby and I could finally see each other face to face.

I am very, very thankful that God healed the carpel tunnel from my wrists within hours after the birth, and that Nathan has been a great sleeper, I've had four and five hour stretches of sleep for the first time in months and feel like I am finally recovering! So, that said, here's his story...

Nathan took his time decided to come into the world. For the first time I had stop and go contractions, wondering for about 36 hours whether or not I'd be heading to the hospital soon and knowing that once it picked up I probably wouldn't have much time (this being my 5th baby and all). So, we just went on baby watch and kept everything else normal. I woke up Saturday morning thinking I was in labor, but after a little breakfast (toast) and walking around, felt like I wasn't, so Dad and I went to Home Depot and spent a whole bunch of money on closet organizers that he would install in the kids rooms during the week that he and Mom would spend with us. By the time we got home from that event, contractions were ten minutes apart. I ate more toast and went to lie down. After another 1 1/2 hours of contractions, I called L and D to let them know what was up. They had me call the Dr on call who told me I should probably head in so I could get me strep B antibiotics in. So, I zipped up my suitcase and did a few tasks. That promptly put an end to contractions again. So, Mom and I went for a cold, windy walk. Nothing. At supper, I ate a little and went to lie down. Contractions again, still 10 minutes apart. We started timing them then, with Jonah and Isaiah hovering, concerned that everything was going OK, asking "Are you having another retraction, Mom?" :)

Ron and I headed to the hospital at midnight. Contractions still 10 minutes apart, but getting stronger. I got hooked up to the IV for a dose of antibiotics (ouch), the doula showed up and started helping out. By now, the pain in my lower back was ramping up and she applied counter pressure to my back while Ron applied pressure with his thumbs to the palm of my hand. There is a pressure point there that I learned about before Aaron's labor. Very helpful!

By 1:30, we were done with the IV and I was ready to ramp up the pain relief. My water had not broken yet, so I was able to use the labor tub. (This was one of my specific prayers about this delivery, thanks to God for providing that relief) The tub is huge, big enough for Ron and me to float in. (he brought his swim trunks, no n@kid daddies in L and D, please) I had thought that he would need to provide counter pressure on my back in the tub, but floating in the hot water was all I needed. Amazing. Labor pain was cut in half as I floated away, sleeping in between contractions, leaning against Ron and sucking ice chips thinking "So, this is what it feels like in the womb"). If I'd have known how amazing that is, I would have sought out a water birth. Oh well.

Getting out of the tub was. not. fun. My abdomen muscles cramped up and screamed at me not to move. I s-l-o-w-l-y got out and into a wheel chair to head back to my room for a second dose of antibiotics. Back pain kicked in again and I was fighting to stay calm. I looked for focal points, Ron suggested I try breathing "hee-hee hoo" I remember saying, "I hate hee-hee hoo!" We tried the birth ball, no go. She asked what I wanted to do. I of course wanted to get that baby OUT, so I told her. They checked me at 7-8 cm. Not what I wanted to hear. But, I knew that I could go from 8 to 10 in a very short time, and that I could help get this going, so I tried the squat on the bed with the birth bar position.. the position that brought both Ella and Aaron into the world. And felt the motion start. Baby coming down, Cervix opening. Screaming pain in my back. Ron sat behind me on the bed pushing on either side of my tail bone. They offered to have the dr. rupture the bag of water. Yes! Please! This is the moment when I counted myself a blithering idiot for not getting an epidural because I'm freeked out by the thought of a needle in my back. I think I was in transition. :)

Though this was the hard part, I still had nice long breaks in between contractions and was able to watch what was going on in the room. (a first for me and another specific answer to prayer) I realized too that the nurse had rehydrated me with "gatorade for my blood" through the IV and that my strength was coming back. (after 36 hours of toast, that was cool). I heard them ask for "Jim" and saw a man come in and stand in the corner behind me. Later I realized that he was the emergency pediatrician and had set up oxygen and other emergency equipment for baby if it was needed. He was behind me and out of sight. Good planning on their part. He quietly left the room after Nathan's birth without uttering a word.

Another of my prayers was that the Dr on call would be the kind of Dr that would allow my body to do the work and not get so hasty that he wanted unnecessary intervention (ie. episiotomy) and would help me to slow down so that I wouldn't tear. He was great, saying things like "If I was pushing a baby out, I wouldn't want to tear either" and "Your body knows what to do. You tell us how you want to do this." I've never heard an OB utter words like that before. So he coached, "Tiny pushes... Beautiful contraction, just beautiful..." Nathan was born with about 9 minutes of contractions and little pushes, I pushed out my biggest baby (8 pounds, 4 ounces) and needed 1 stitch. Thank you Father! He was placed on my belly immediately and stayed there for almost an hour before getting weighed and washed. He took to nursing in about 2 seconds and peed on the scale when they weighed him. Ron and I fell in love again and I remembered why we had decided to do this in the first place. Because life. is. precious.

Now, Not all births go like this, sometimes there are emergencies and losses and I do not believe that God turns his back on those cases or turns a deaf ear to prayers, I know he would have been there for us in that kind of situation too. Pregnancy and Birth bring us to our knees because there is no certain outcome or promise made that all will go smoothly. So, pregnancy and birth bring us to our knees in thankfulness when Mom and Baby come through healthy and happy. I don't think there is any greater gift.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas 2010...

26 days to go...

Of course, that's assuming that I am not overdue- as is the norm here. I'm at that stage of asking the question..."So who can tie my tennis shoes for me?" Thankfully, I have lots of willing helpers! Ron snatched this shot of me before we headed out to Concordia's Christmas concert. It was a lovely evening!

We are getting ready for baby. After 10 days vacation, we came home to trim and doors installed in the new room in the basement and a message from the carpeting store saying they can install this coming week. Ron is busy tonight painting trim so we'll be ready when they come. I am so looking forward to getting the baby's room together, it will be a huge relief to know he has as place. And a huge relief to the older boys to have space. I should really post a pic of their current little bedroom. Think hoarders (without the dead stuff.) :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


We Trick or Treat at a Noah's Ark festival that is held at CUW's campus. The children's ministry group puts on a puppet show, crafts, snacks and games and then the kids trick or treat in the dorms. Very fun and avoids all the scary aspects of Halloween that we are not so found of. Ella invited her bf Grace and the two happened to dress as Laura and Mary Ingalls. Precious.


Aaron's fourth birthday was a few weeks after Isaiah's 10th. All of last year he has told people who ask that he is 6. (in an effort to be as old as his big sister, I'm sure.) So, how does he answer that question now? "I'm 7!" We're still working on that. :)

He's finally showing interest in writing his name and identifying letters. I so enjoy watching that happen.


We attended our first official band concert as parents last weekend. The last time I was at a concert, I was in the band. It seems like years have flown when I experience something like this.

Jonah started studying trumpet this fall, he attends band practice once a week and practices most days. I think he loves it. We're excited for him and have encouraged him with our stories of band trips and fun. He's also started working on guitar and is still taking piano. I think he may have found a niche.

Even Aaron enjoyed the concert, tapping his foot and asking the names of the songs. It was only 40 minutes, perfect for his attention span. We enjoyed having Grandma and Grandpa with us too!

Isaiah went to the concert thinking he would like to play the flute (they had been listening to instrument sounds online and the flute appealed to him). He left the concert convinced that the clarinet would be a better choice. Too many girls in the flute section. :)

10th birthday sleepover

I had promised Isaiah a party with friends for his 10th birthday. October 29th was that day, so he sent invitations out to 4 friends for a 3PM to 10 AM extravaganza. They played capture the flag, ate, played pool, ate, played Legos, ate, SIM city on the computer, you get the idea. They set up sleeping bags in our basement rec-room and put Isaiah's Lego gifts together until Ron told them lights out. They were asleep by midnight and up at 5:30 the next morning... hungry. I sent down crackers and juice and turned on the oven to bake up some Monkey Bread.. our staple Birthday breakfast (two packages of refrigerator biscuits broken and rolled into balls, then rolled in butter and cinnamon/sugar. Place in bundt pan and bake at 350 degrees until they smell done. (sorry I don't use a timer for these, maybe 45 minutes?) We also had bacon, orange slices and apple cider.

I have to say, it was a great time because it was a great bunch of kids. I've made a note to myself in the future... Birthday sleepovers are no problem as long as the kids know a few basic things...
1) How to be respectful to adults and other kids
2) How to be laid back about taking turns and helping others
3) How to use their manners.
I heard lots of pleases and thank yous from this group and was very pleased at how well they all got along even though some had never met. I would do it again in a minute... well, I can say that now that I've had a some time to catch up on sleep.