This is Ella with "Cookies and Cream". She carries it around singing to it like a little mother. She's in rabbit heaven.
The hutches came to us in a bit of disrepair. The shingles were not attached and they needed a painting. Thankfully, I have three kids who were perfect for this job. They handled it all themselves, with a little advice from Ron about shingles. Here's the before picture:

One coat of primer and two coats of paint later (with almost as much paint on Ella as there was on the hutch). We had our "new" hutches. Here's the crew. Isaiah is holding his rabbit, "Thumper".

By the way, they are both male rabbits. So, no baby rabbits in our future...for now. I had thought it would be a neat experience to have a female and see her have a litter. (Is that my husband groaning I hear?)