Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What did the chicken say...

... when it laid the egg on top? We don't know, but we think it was the equivalent of a 10 pound baby. I thought for sure it would be a triple or at least a double yolk, but no... just one yolk, which Isaiah scrambled and had for breakfast the next morning.

Perhaps this was her first egg of the summer? The chickens are laying more now- five eggs today (five/day is the average we are hoping for with seven 2yo chickens).

Now, if I could just get some success in the garden...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Maple Sugaring

Our big experiment this spring was a success! The kids and I bought four taps from our local hardware store (the one with the life size plastic horse in the window and an old cat meandering the aisles (I love it)), then tapped four of our maple trees. We learned that an eletric drill is much better than a hand drill for this job. (not enough arm strength here) Sap started flowing immediately. After collecting for a day, I started it boiling on the electric grill to avoid having to tend a fire all day long. This worked slowly, we never got a good boil going and the cost was rising steadily. Propane ain't cheap. Our first quart was a disaster. I watched for the telltale rising of the sap like a hawk, but unfortunately kept stirring it down at the same time. The result was burned marshmallow gunk . I threw away the whole jar and resolved to LEAVE IT ALONE next time!

The second attempt was a success and the kids begged for it as soon as they got up and saw the jar on the counter. I made crepes and they rolled and dipped them in little bowls of syrup. This stuff is too precious to waste!

After that, we changed to fire. The boys LOVED tending the fire with me and we all enjoyed being outside watching it boil. We got two more quarts this way at no cost (thanks to the stacks of dried wood we have), but four full days of effort. It was way more time intensive, but more satisfactory too. Next year we plan to double our efforts. If so we'll have almost a full years supply for our family if I'm stingy with it. So now you know why real maple syrup costs about $60 a gallon in the store!

Next time I'll nab a picture of the chickens who stared at us the entire time from their fenced in yard right next to the burn site. I guess they were hard up for entertainment after a long winter all cooped up. :)

Here's the finishing operations (filter, boil and can) and boys tending the fire.

Birthday girl

OK, so it was a month ago... but I just uploaded pictures today and here are some worthy of sharing. Ella had her golden birthday on March 7th. She wore a special flower to church and helped me decorate her cake.

The most exciting part came a week later when my sister and niece came ALL THE WAY from South Dakota to take a train with us into the American Girl Store in downtown Chicago. It was my first time on the train as well and I was thrilled with how smoothly it all went. Now that we realize this is at our backdoor, the options are limitless! (Kids under 12 ride free on weekends. Woo hoo!)