Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Aaron!

We celebrated Aaron's 3rd birthday while in Minnesota, a special celebration with grandparents and godmother Beth. Aaron is celebrating being three by letting us know what he's thinking (yeah verbal development!) and copying everything he sees his siblings do.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

In the Dining room

Here's the first meal in the dining room after moving the table in. We're loving our new floors (lots of sock sliding going on here) and figuring out how to make our new room home. Decorating ideas are welcome!


It's been a busy week. We came home from MN on Friday. In the nine days since then, we've installed 16 new windows, stained and varnished them and painted the kitching ceiling and walls. Here's Aaron "helping" me make pancakes last week.

gun vs guy

My boys spent some birthday money on a Vulcan EBF-25 nerf gun. They called this set up "Gun verses Guy". Doesn't look like he has much of a chance does it. :)