Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday, Isaiah. We love you!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Three teeth fell out at our house this week. Jonah lost two molars and Ella lost another baby tooth. We've told her that her timing is perfect. We don't need to carve jackolanterns this year, she can just flash her pretty grin!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Coming along

It's coming along. We homeschool until 2 PM these days, then I paint/stain/varnish until 7 or 8. The kids wake Aaron at 3:30 and head downstairs for a snack and video. Ron comes home at 5. Lots of Subway/pizza/chicken pot pies for supper these days. We dug the holes for the footings last weekend with a rented auger and hope to move the deck after we get the permit. The wood is acclimating. We leave for MN in 10 days so we are gone while it is installed, sanded, finished. The kids are excited to celebrate Halloween at Grandma and Grandpa's. Ron will be here, but with no kitchen. He's looking for a microwave to borrow. Can you make Ramen noodles in the microwave?